Friday, December 30, 2011

I got my Christmas wish! ♥

Christmas turned out to be GREAT!  Christmas morning I woke up feeling fine.  My hubby and I opened presents.  Then, I finished packaging up my Christmas cookies, and then we went to my parents so I can give my nephew his gifts.  By noon I was feeling sick :(  I ate some crackers, hoping it would make me feel better, and we then headed to Aaron's parent's house for Christmas dinner and presents.  When I walked in the door, the food smelled amazing.  When we sat down to eat... I ate and loved it!  The ham was sooo good!  The baked beans were so sweet!  There were crackers, and cheeses, and pickles, and fruit, and the warm rolls were so soft!  I ate everything on my plate, and I didn't feel sick afterwards!  Did you hear that?  I DIDN'T FEEL SICK AFTERWARDS!  I felt fine!  I felt fine as we were opening up presents.  I felt fine while I was playing with Aaron's nieces.  I felt fine on the way home!  And when I got home... I ate some more ham!  I still felt fine when I went to bed!

Our baby gave me my Christmas wish :)  He/She really really did!  Christmas was perfect! ♥  THANK YOU Baby Carpenter!

I had another baby checkup a couple days ago, and everything is normal.  My blood pressure is normal, and I got to hear our baby's heartbeat again. Strong healthy heartbeat ♥  The nurse said I gained 4 pounds, but I really didn't.  Before I got pregnant I was around 125.  When I got pregnant, and started feeling nauseous, I dropped to 120.   A couple Dr. appointments ago, she weighed me at 118, so I lost even more weight.  Finally, when I was weighed a couple days ago, she said I weighed 122, so she said I gained 4 pounds.  It's a good sign that I'm getting some weight back, but in my mind I haven't GAINED any weight yet at all.  Once I start getting past my regular weight of 125 will I start to feel like I'm really gaining weight.  Since the beginning of my pregnancy I haven't gained an ounce!  I only lost weight... but it finally looks like I might be gaining it back.

Since Christmas I have went back to feeling nauseous.  I have given up thinking that I will just one day feel fine from now on.  This fatigue and sickness is just so random and unpredictable.  I am 15 weeks pregnant, and I can just as easily throw up now as I did when I was 6 weeks pregnant :(   Still, I'm thankful for the welcome relief of the days I feel good :)

On January 23 we will be finding out the sex of our baby!!!

Here's a 15 weeks belly pic!

I feel like I'm finally starting to get a bit of a belly :)

Here is a video of baby's progress! 

I got some additional good news!  I got a 4.0 GPA for the semester, and I got my Phi Theta Kappa certificate and pin in the mail!  I can't wait to see what scholarship opportunities are available to me this year!  I'm so excited, and ready for next semester to start!!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

All I want for Christmas is my appetite ...

Today is my first day of vacation.  I won't be back to work until Janurary 3rd, and I won't have to be back to school until January 9th!  I took a nice hot bath, washed my hair with that Suave apple scented shampoo (love that stuff) and slipped back into fresh jammies.  Ahhh :)

I felt miserable yesterday after coming home from work.  I felt like I would feel better if I put something in my stomach so I ate some mashed potatoes, and a few spoonfuls of Aaron's chocolate ice cream.  Still didn't feel any better.  Aaron started to make me a grilled cheese sandwich while I went to brush my teeth.  Well, I threw everything up, but dammit I ate that grilled cheese sandwich, and two pickles afterwards!

I am just so so so tired of this nausea.  The first trimester is OVER!  Christmas is only 3 days away!  I guess I won't be having a nice Christmas feast afterall :(

I went to Kohls today.  Where are those pregnancy parking signs when you need them!?  I had to park at the end of the parking lot, and seems I walked a block to the store in the freezing cold. Yuck.  I found a couple pairs of maternity jeans.  They seem to fit pretty well.  I like them.  It feels good not to have my regular jeans unbuttoned and still digging into my waist.  It's really strange though... I haven't gained any weight still, but my waist is bigger.

I saw this AMAZING flash mob Christmas video that I just have to share...

I cried when I saw this. It's just an overwhelming feeling when you're in the midst of people worshiping God!  I keep watching this video over and over!

Here is a video of baby's progress this week!

 Belly pic at 14 weeks ...

I bought some of this...

Does anyone know if this works well in preventing stretch marks?  I know I have nothing to worry about right now, but I just want to be prepared for when I'll need extra support for my skin.  Does anyone have any suggestions on anything better?


Sunday, December 18, 2011

13 Weeks...

I am feeling ok this morning!  I had some fruit that Aaron's parent's gave me.  Really yummy.  Cantelope, pineapple, and grapes.  I also ate some watermelon and clementines; a pancake and one sausage link.  And my stomach still feels ok!  Yay!

I still haven't gained any weight.  Initially, when I started feeling nauseous during the beginning of my pregnancy, I lost 5 pounds.  I haven't yet gained that back.   I am now officially into my 2nd trimester.  Hopefully I will get my long lost appetite back, and start gaining weight!

The semester has officially ended, and I got all A's! Yay me!  I am off school until January 9th.  I also will be off work for 2 weeks starting Wednesday!  Wow... no school, and NO work.  I will have so much free time!

Since I have this small window of opportunity to do other things.  This is the best time to begin preparing for the baby.  I have someone interested in buying my waterbed.  Once it's sold, Aaron and I will be getting a king size storage bed.  Here is a picture of what it will look like...

Aaron and I need all the extra storage space we can get, so this bed will be perfect.  Our house is just under 1000 sq. ft.  So during my Christmas break I have to do some major re-organizing to make our spare bedroom into the new baby room.  We have to combine closet space in order for the baby to have his/her own closet.  It's going to be a big job. 

Aaron's parents gave us some of Aaron's Christmas ornaments he made when he was a little kid :)  They're so cute.  I can't believe next weekend is Christmas!  In the next couple of days, I will start baking Christmas cookies!

Here is my 13th week belly pic!...

And here is a video of baby's progress!...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Will this ever end?

I am back to feeling nauseous.  I threw up this morning while brushing my teeth.  My stomach is still sour even though almost 12 hours have passed.  I really wish I would start feeling normal again.

It's strange.  Even when my stomach feels ok, I still feel bad.  Even when I sleep in, I still feel blah.  I never have an appetite, even when my stomach feels ok.  I never seem to have energy, even when I've slept for hours.   It seems like I can't shrug off this yucky feeling, even when I'm physically feeling ok.  I can't get relief.

I've learned that eating fruit doesn't make me feel nauseous.  I am in love with Mandarin oranges!  I've been eating lots of those.  And these ....

They are so yummy! Sweet and refreshing!  I've been eating lots of fruit.  Apples, oranges, and mixed fruit cups.  Even though I never have an actual HUNGRY feeling, it seems that fruit sits well in my stomach.  Yay :)

A friend posted this video on my Facebook wall the other day.  It looks so funny!  I can't wait to watch it!

I have some good news! ... This will be my last week of the semester!  I have been studying for my Biology final, and I can't wait for it all to be over!.   I am getting A's for the semester. Yay!  Studying hard, and never missing class, no matter how bad I've felt, really paid off!

Here is my 12 week belly pic.  Still not much change, although I can't comfortably button my jeans anymore...

Video of baby's progress ... and the last week of the 1st Trimester!  Woo hoo!  Last week of the school semester, and last week of baby's 1st Trimester! :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

11 weeks...

I am FINALLY starting to feel better!  This past weekend was pretty good.  NO nausea!  I am still feeling tired, but I would rather experience exhaustion instead of nausea any day!  I put up my Christmas decorations this weekend, and I even went to the mall to do a little Christmas shopping.  It felt good to be out somewhere else other than class or work.

I am feeling a little nauseous tonight, but not as bad as it has been.  I still have no appetite.  Eating is not really enjoyable yet, but at least I'm not puking it up!

I won a contest from George Street Photo!  They are the company that did my wedding photos.  I wore customized sneakers that I made for my Wedding.  Here is a picture of the winning photo!

I have to share this amazing video I saw.  It's about what babies actually learn before they are even born...

Here is my belly pic of 11 weeks!  Still not really showing yet ...

And here is a video of baby's progress!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

10 weeks ...

I stayed home this Thanksgiving.  I haven't had an appetite for food in weeks.  My nausea seems to have plateaued, but it still feels like a chore to eat, and the smell of certain foods still upsets my stomach.  Aaron went to his parents for Thanksgiving dinner.  I stayed home and put up my Christmas tree :)  I haven't yet put the ornaments on, but the tree and lights are up!  Aaron put up the outdoor Christmas lights the other day.  I love the old fashioned look of the large Christmas bulbs outdoors.  I would like to get a vintage plastic Santa Clause for outside, too :)  I will post pictures of my Christmas tree and decorations soon!

I was able to make Aaron some Thanksgiving side dishes, and turkey breast.  I have to say, I really really love my stuffing and deviled eggs :)

Oh I hope and pray that by Christmas I will have an appetite!  A huge appetite so I can make lots and lots of holiday food!  Christmas cookies!  A gingerbread house!  More stuffing and deviled eggs!  A honey baked ham!  Crescent rolls!  Goodness I wish I had an appetite for this stuff NOW!

Here is baby's progress this week! ...

Here is my 10 week belly pic.  I know there hasn't been any difference in tummy size yet :(  Hopefully once my appetite comes back we will start noticing a difference!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Very First Ultrasound ♥

It was a cold and rainy afternoon today as Aaron and I drove to our second Doctor appointment, and had our very first ultrasound ♥

It looks like we have one happy and healthy baby with a nice strong heartbeat inside my tummy!

It looks like a little peanut with feet! :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

9 weeks...

Recently I was featured on, and a woman who saw my blog through this site sent me a message.

"Hi Sherry,  I found your blog through top baby blogs (yours was the featured one). I cried with joy for you when I read about your pregnancy test! How wonderful! It is wonderful how God works.  God does give us the desires of our hearts.  I will be eagerly following your pregnancy and can't wait till you're due!  -Rachel"

Here is Rachel's blog ...

our havenhill button

I love getting messages like this.  I love hearing about women like me who read my blog, and are going through the same journey.  Let me know you're out there! I would love to hear from you!

This week I feel as though I've finally went through some sort of pregnancy right of passage.  I puked.  I puked while I was brushing my teeth.  Yuck.  Nothing came up though.  I just had horrible dry heaving.  I actually did feel some relief after that happened, and later that morning my hubby got me a McGriddle sandwich and I ate all of it.  Later that evening, I cooked some carrots and potatoes in the crock pot, but I couldn't eat it :(  It seems like once the evening rolls around, I always feel worse, and I just want to go to bed.

I think it's time for a new bra.  I haven't really had much breast tenderness.  It's just that once I get out of bed I feel like I'm carrying a couple of densely packed cantaloupes.

I'm really bummed about Thanksgiving.  I don't see myself feeling better in just 4 days.  I don't think I will be sitting down to huge Thanksgiving meal this year.  Lately, it's the smell of meat that make my stomach crinkle up like a raisin, and also any strong smells like onions or garlic.  Still... I am hoping I can make some stuffing or pumpkin pie on Thursday.  I look forward to Holiday baking all year long!

Here is a video update on baby! ...

Belly pic at 9 weeks ...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Still sick :(

This week was pretty much like last week.  Still nauseous.  I lost 5 pounds.  Aaron went out to get me some raspberry sherbet.  That's the only thing that sounds good to me right now.  I've tried to drink ginger ale,  peppermint tea, ginger tea, and eat Altoids.  It doesn't take away my sour stomach.  Nothing does.

I did well on my Biology exam.  It was the most difficult exam yet, and I was feeling very sick when I was taking it.  I was predicting I would get a C.  It turns out I got a B.  I know this is a good grade, but I just want to keep striving for A's.  I don't want to just get good grades.  I want the best grades.  

Also this week, I took a test online for my other class I'm taking; Interpersonal Communications.  I had an hour to complete the test online.  I got it done in 12 minutes, and I got a 25 out of 25!  Yay me!!!

I'm thankful for the progress I'm making academically.  I'm also thankful that my husband has been so helpful these past couple weeks while I've been feeling so bad.  

Pregnancy is really a blessing when it's planned, and prepared for.  I waited for God to bring my Husband into my life, and then we prepared for a family.   It's a wonderful feeling to know that my Husband committed his life to me before he committed his life to fatherhood.  Our baby is going to be one lucky kid! ♥

I am 8 weeks pregnant, and here is video on baby's progress! ...

Here is my 8 week belly pic!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Feel yucky :(

I haven't felt well this past week.  I am constantly nauseous.  I haven't puked yet, but the queasiness will not go away no matter what I do.  I eat light... still queasy.  I drink water ... queasy.  I lay down and take a nap ... still queasy.  I've tried eating small portions of food, and different types of food, but I have a constant nauseous feeling that never lets up.  I should be lucky that I'm not actually throwing up, but I wonder if I finally do puke... maybe I'll feel better already?  I don't know :(

My sense of smell is still so strong.  I was in Biology class the other night, and I had to sketch a dead lobster sitting on the lab table.  Awful smell!  Then, I had to take tweezers and poke around to see the parts of a dead clam. Then, if all of this wasn't bad enough, I went to another lab table, and peered into a 5 gallon bucket filled with dead bull frogs.  HUGE bull frogs!  I had to hold my breath to look at the digestive system of one that was dissected laying open on top of the other dead frogs in the bucket.   My nose went crazy with all those horrible smells!  Still,  I didn't puke.  Just a never-ending, constant, sour stomach.  Yuck.  When I came home from Biology class, I thought that pizza sounded good, and I felt hungry for it.  I took a few bites, and lost my appetite.  NOTHING sounds good to me.  Even on those rare occasions when I feel hungry ... I just don't know what to eat.  Nothing sounds appetizing to me at all.  My friend, Donna, told me about Preggie Pop Drops you can buy from Motherhood Maternity.  She says it helps with Morning Sickness.  I should listen to her.  She has 6 beautiful children.  I hope something helps soon.  I lost 2 pounds.

Aside from my stomach, and nose ... I am extremely tired.  No energy at all.  I have to study for my Biology exam this weekend, and my brain is just in a fog.

Aaron has been so helpful with the chores, and with trying to figure out what I can eat that won't make me feel worse.  And even though I feel awful, he still makes me laugh.

I hope I do well on my Biology exam.  I have been working hard at maintaining my GPA.  I was recently invited to join Phi Theta Kappa, an International Honor's Society.  I'm happy to be a new member.  I am now eligible for many more scholarships that will help towards my bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education.  I just hope and pray that my exhaustion, and brain fog won't effect my grades.

I am a little over 7 weeks pregnant.  Here is another great video I found...

Here is a belly pic at 7 weeks...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The perfect pregnancy ... so far.

Well, I am 6 weeks, and two days pregnant.  I feel no "morning sickness."  I have no sore boobs, and they have not grown larger.  I have no fatigue.  I have no mood swings (at least not that I'm aware of.  You may have to ask Aaron for sure, lol!)

One symptom of this pregnancy that has occurred is my sense of smell.  It's amazing really.  I smell EVERYTHING.  I was in our office room with the door closed, and I smelled the food Aaron had just heated up.  I was in Biology class, and the smell of the Professor's marker on the whiteboard was so STRONG.  I keep smelling this weird smell in the bathroom, but I have no idea what it is.  It's like normal, everyday scents overload my nose!  Oh, and Rocky's farts are UNBEARABLE!!!

I plan on taking a sequence of belly pictures every week, until the baby arrives.  I started at week 6.  I want to make a home video of my gestation, similar to this amazing video I found on YouTube ...

So, here is my first belly pic, at 6 weeks ...

I set the camera on my bookshelf.  Each picture will be shot in the exact same spot, and same pose, each week, similar to the video above.   This will be FUN!  Stay tuned!

Follow my story!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I went to my first Dr. appointment!

This morning was my very first Dr. appointment to confirm my pregnancy. My husband was able to take off work, and go with me.  It was a sunny, but chilly morning.  We initially went through lots and lots of information about what to expect, what tests can be done if necessary, our medical history, etc.  

Then they took a urine sample to confirm my pregnancy.  Here it is!  

She came back into the room and said, "Well it's official, you are indeed pregnant!"  Yay!

After going through all of the forms to sign, and pregnancy information, she gave us a little backpack with baby magazines, pamphlets, and other congratulatory baby stuff.  

Then we went into a different office to see Peggy, and go over Aaron's health insurance.  Thank God for Aaron's health insurance!  Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield will be paying 75% of it.  We will have to pay up to $3300, and then our Insurance will pay 100% of the rest.

After leaving Peggy's office, we had to go into the lab for the dreaded blood test.  I hate needles so much.  I'm a fainter.  I'm glad Aaron was there with me. They took 4 vials of blood, to test for HIV, Hepatitis, Iron, etc.  I broke out in a cold sweat, and started trembling all over, but I didn't faint. Yay!  I really thought I would be jabbed with needles all throughout my pregnancy, but it turns out that isn't the case.  I will only have blood drawn a couple more times throughout my entire pregnancy!  YAY!!!  :)

Then we left.  Our first appointment was over.  We went to McDonalds to get some McRib Sandwiches, came home, ate, then took a nice nap :)

Here is a couple videos I found showing the developmental stage of our baby right now at 5, almost 6 weeks...

When Aaron saw a picture of what our baby looks like right now, he said, "It looks like a dinosaur."  Then he started walking around like a T-Rex lol!  He's so funny.

My next appointment is November 22, and I will be able to see the baby through ultrasound!  The Dr. also said that by then, we will know if we will be having twins or not.   Stay tuned!!!  :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011


I AM PREGNANT!   You want to know what is even more awesome than this???  It is how God has orchestrated it all!  Let me explain what happened yesterday...

Exactly 1 year ago yesterday,  my Husband accepted God's gift of Salvation. God chose this special day to give us yet another gift. We found out that I am PREGNANT! God is so GOOD! GOD IS VERY VERY GOOD!!! His timing is PERFECT! ♥

Yesterday was a normal day as usual.  I knew I was late on my period, but I was having these small cramps.  I thought at first that it was the beginning of my period, but the cramps never got to be painful, or bigger.  They were just tiny little cramps off and on throughout the day.  I knew they were different.  So I got a pregnancy test on my way home from work.

Also on my way home I stopped at Hallmark to get Aaron a card and a gift to celebrate his 1 year Anniversary of committing his life to Christ.   When I got home, I hurried to sign his card, pee on a stick, and then go to the garage to find some wrapping paper for his gift.

On my way back to the room, I stopped in the bathroom to peek at the pregnancy test ...

I was in shock.  It really happened?  IT REALLY HAPPENED!  I raced to finish wrapping up his gift (including the pregnancy test) before he got home from work.

My heart was pounding when he came home.  I couldn't stand holding this in for another second!  He read his card, (which seemed like an eternity)  and began opening his gift.  He started reading the book I got him, but didn't notice that within the wrapping was the pregnancy test!  I said, "There's something else in there for you..."   When he noticed it, and grabbed it, his eyes got BIG.  "You're pregnant?"  he said.   I said, "Yes!"

So the really truly amazing part of my day was how God timed it all.  One year ago when my Husband knelt down on my living room floor with my Daddy, and led Aaron to Christ ...  who would have thought that in exactly one year to the day ...  we would be pregnant!   Is God AMAZING or what!???

I read that small cramps in the beginning of pregnancy can be implantation cramps.  Here is what The Bump said, "A bit of cramping about eight to ten days after ovulation might actually be a sign that you are pregnant. These pains -- known as implantation cramps -- can happen when the newly fertilized egg burrows itself into the wall of your uterus."   So it seems I have nothing to worry about, and I will be calling the Doctor on Monday to make my first appointment!

Here is the card I got Aaron... It turned out to be the PERFECT card for this Special Day!

(Click on photos to enlarge)

God is such a personal God.  He amazes me all the time!  His blessings are so personal, and I just cannot deny how strongly I feel his love for Aaron, and me!   Amazing!  A blessing!  A miracle!  


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ovulation, and eggs (chicken eggs that is...)

Last night I peed on another ovulation strip, and this time both lines were dark. So according to the test, I was ovulating!  What is confusing is that my ovulation is 3 weeks after my period ... not 2 weeks.   According to what I've read,  the day you ovulate is about 14 days after the first day of your period.  So why am I ovulating 21 days after?  Should I be concerned?

This morning, Aaron was making scrambled eggs and he said, "Hey twins!"   He broke an egg open, and it had 2 yolks inside.  I said, "Really?  Maybe that's a sign we're gonna have twins. Haha!"  Then I heard him say, "Hey! More twins!"   .... That's when I grabbed the camera ....

He cracked open another egg ... and more twins!

At this point I started recording ...

Four sets of twins!  Funny!

I hope I don't have octuplets...

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Well, I'm very frustrated.  I don't understand what I'm doing wrong with these stupid ovulation strips.  I have calculated the day I am suppose to ovulate according to various websites, but when the day comes, and I pee on the stick... I am NOT ovulating.  Of course, I check every single day, just in case I'm a day or so off, but still NOT ovulating.  I don't know what's wrong.

And on top of this... my face has been breaking out horribly since I am now off the pill.  I have extremely oily skin, and my face is covered with small pimples.  They are just everywhere.  This is very depressing, and I just don't know what to do anymore.

On the upside... I decorated for Halloween!  I love the colors of Autumn.  I LOVE the fact that Holiday baking has now begun!   I am already singing Christmas songs!

Hopefully by Christmas I will have a little present all wrapped up and cozy warm inside my tummy ♥

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A new study out about first-time moms age 35 or over :(

Pregnancy past 35 puts first-time moms and babies at increased risk: study 

Unlike previous generations, women are delaying first-time pregnancy until much later in life.

Now, a new study from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) confirms the risk to mother and baby significantly increases with maternal age.

First-time mothers over 35-years-old are at a higher risk of experiencing pregnancy-related complications, compared to women between the ages of 20 and 34.

The risk of adverse birth outcomes in newborns also increases with maternal age, the study suggests.

The study looked at how age is associated with risks of pregnancy and labour complications, medical or surgical assistance during labour for safe delivery and poor birth outcomes and birth defects in newborns.

The findings are based on an analysis of more than one million hospital births from 2006-07 to 2008-09, the largest population-based study of its kind in Canada to measure the impact that advanced maternal age can have on both mothers and their babies.

Risks to baby

While many women have successful, uncomplicated pregnancies and deliveries at 35 years and over, first-time mothers over 35 are at an increased risk of pre-term births, delivering babies born before 37 weeks.

The risk of delivering babies with any birth defect was four times higher for older mothers, compared to their younger cohorts.

The study’s authors considered nervous system, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urogenital, musculoskeletal and chromosomal defects such as Down syndrome.

Premature babies have not had the chance to develop fully in the womb and are more likely to face medical complications, ranging from difficulty breathing, vision problems and intestinal problems to neurological issues, such as cerebral palsy.

Risks to mom

First-time mothers 35 and over have the highest rates of many labour complications, compared to first-time moms 20- to 34-years-old.

The data suggests women over 35 have a higher risk of experiencing serious pregnancy conditions such as pre-existing hypertension and developing hypertension and pre-eclampsia, a condition in which high blood pressure and protein in the urine develop after the 20th week of pregnancy.

Mothers 35-to 40-years-old doubled their risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy, compared to first-time mothers age 20 to 34. For those over 40, the risk tripled.

Older first-time moms were also at higher risk of experiencing placenta previa, a complication in which the placenta may block the cervix.

Women 35 and over were 28 per cent more likely to have an assisted delivery.

Caesarian delivery rates were 44 per cent higher compared to first-time moms between the ages of 20 and 34.

One in three mothers 40 and over had a Caesarian delivery; the risk of miscarriage can be as high as 40 or 50 per cent for women over 45-years-old.

 “One of the things that is very true about women over 40 who get pregnant is that their underlying health is very, very important.  If you start a pregnancy in excellent health and you’re fit, you’ll have a healthy pregnancy,” said Dr. Jan Christilaw, president of BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre.

But Christilaw warns, “even if you’re a perfectly healthy person, there will be an increased risk of complications and interventions.”

“Mothers over 40 stay in the hospital a little longer, as you age it takes a little longer to recover,  you may be a little more fatigued,” Christilaw said.

Assisted vaginal deliveries, such as those requiring forceps or vacuum extraction, were also more common for older mothers with single births.

About a third of first-time mothers in their 40s had an assisted delivery, compared with one-quarter of first-time mothers aged 20 to 34.